All over Alberta summer festivals have been cancelled due to COVID-19. The City of Edmonton and the province expect social distancing to continue, and limits on public gatherings are expected to be a moving target for the foreseeable future. It is no surprise that the Whyte Avenue Art Walk, as we know it, will be cancelled for 2020.
As businesses along Whyte Avenue begin to open, with stringent health precautions in place, we want to offer a creative solution that allows for a celebration of the vibrancy of Old Strathcona and animates the Avenue, while keeping everyone safe. We really don’t want to see a summer go by without celebrating art, artists, and the tradition of festivals in our neighbourhood.
Some patrons might still be hesitant to venture out, so we want to support our Whyte Avenue business community by providing another tool to invite people back to the Ave., and into your store or restaurant. This is a great opportunity for businesses who have adequate window space to participate in Art Walk in a way that supports artists and animates the Avenue.
2020 was to be 25th Anniversary of The Whyte Avenue Art Walk.
Here is the plan:
Art Walk, in partnership with Ice on Whyte, is offering our experienced early-bird registrants an opportunity to participate in a different version of Art Walk by partnering with businesses on Whyte Avenue to display art inside shop windows. Rather than a one-weekend celebration, the displays will be up for the entire month of July! Set up once – take down once.
Whyte Avenue Art Walk will help publicize the event by creating a map of art/business partnerships to help patrons plan their stroll, and artists will advertise their presence on their own social media streams. Art Walk is in the process of building a website to feature artist/business partnerships. Businesses can use their own social media streams to let their customers know that they’re participating. It’s also a great opportunity to offer incentives, offers or discounts that will get patrons inside your business.
Artists are responsible for:
- Work with their assigned business to set a time for installation: after June 27 and before July 4.
- Provide grid-walls and easels.
- Respect the merchant’s space requirements.
- Set up once, as compactly and simply as possible.
- Ensure art is labelled and priced, and your preferred contact information is easily seen.
- Keep the display well maintained for the whole month of July.
- Replace artwork that sells.
- All sales and deliveries are handled by the artist.
- All commissions go to the artist.
- Market your art, and the name and location of your business on social media and on your website.
- Art Walk liability waiver is still in effect. The art is on display at the artist’s risk.
- Remove art immediately after July 31 and before August 5.
- The www.art-walk.ca is getting a make-over. Only those preregistered artists will be featured on the website for 2020. This event will bring positive media attention to our community and animate the streets during COVID-19. Safe distancing will be followed. The artwork, artist name and prices will be viewed from outside the business. The public will be encouraged to contact the artist directly.
Businesses are responsible for:
- Filling out the attached form to indicate your interest, and return it by June 15, 2020. 2.
- Be generous with your window area.
- Ensure the space is ready and available for the registered Art Walk artists: a. Set-up after June 27 and before July 4
- Take- down immediately after July 31 and before August
- Assign a manager or delegate an employee to communicate directly with our volunteer/business coordinator and artist regarding the following:
- Providing a contact name and number.
- Exhibition space. Size of artwork display area.
- Preferred times for set-up, take-down, and replenishing art. e.
- Re-directing customer inquiries.
- Promote your assigned artist on social media.
- Help encourage other businesses to participate.
- Consider offering a curbside, pick-up promo item(s) during Art Walk. We want people to come out, see art and support your business
The staff of The Whyte Avenue Art Walk will help support you by:
- Matching business to artist.
- Ensuring artists are prepared to be compact, professional and courteous in the use of the businesses’ space.
- Promote the event in media and on social media.
If you are interested, please Download and complete this form and return it by June 15, 2020.