Apply to Volunteer Online Here

The 2023 Whyte Avenue Art Walk takes place July 12-14, 2024 and we can’t wait!

We’re hoping that most of our volunteers are ready to come back and participate in our outdoor extravaganza. In the meantime, here are some of the opportunities for volunteers.

Volunteer Opportunities

7-10 am setup shifts

Volunteers will help direct traffic as artists park and unload, provide parking information if required, and help set up street signage. Artists set up between 7 am and 10 am, we want to help make this run as smoothly as possible, while keeping everyone safe. There might be circumstances where you see an artist struggling and it is appropriate to help. Many artists will unload and leave to park their vehicle, so we do our best to keep an eye on their gear.

9 am – 1 pm shifts

Volunteers on this shift might help with putting out signage, but the primary focus will be on the promenade. Volunteers are assigned to a zone for the duration of a shift. You stroll the zone, sit for artists who need a washroom break or make a run for food. You will not sell art, rather, you’ll let patrons know when to expect the artist to return, perhaps offer them an artist card. Artists will either flag you down, or text me to request help. I’ll text you to ask if you’re free to sit for an artist and share the location.

1 pm – 5:15 pm shifts

The primary focus will be on the promenade. The responsibilities are similar to the morning shift. Volunteers on this shift are asked to help bring street signage back to volunteer central.

Pre-festival: Art Walk engages with Whyte Avenue businesses prior to the festival, and just before the festival we put up posters throughout the neighbourhood. The city requires us to drop event notices off at affected businesses as a reminder of Art Walk, and to inform new businesses. We do this in the month before the festival and again in the week before. I always partake in this activity and we do it together, usually hopscotching businesses as a team. I schedule these days for agreeable weather and work with volunteers to schedule a time that works for everyone.

Questions? You can email me at:

For those of you who didn’t participate in the past couple of years, we are using the Better Impact system for signup. The interface is used by many of Edmonton’s major festivals, so some of you will be familiar with it and already have an account. It gives volunteers more flexibility to choose, add, or change shifts. Let’s not kid ourselves; it also makes scheduling communication, and volunteer management more fluid and efficient. The system requires you to create a personal account at myImpactPage, and once you are registered and approved you will receive a message letting you know to return to your dashboard and choose your shifts. It’s that simple!

To learn more about shift duties, cancellation policy and to apply to volunteer: CLICK HERE 

Got Questions? Please Email our Volunteer Coordinator 

Art Walk volunteers strolling the Avenue, providing artist and patron support.